Archive for 2015

Obrat at the Prishtina Architecture Week

We are proud to be part of the Prishtina Architecture Week (29 June – 12 July 2015).
On 1 July 2015 Polonca Lovšin is presenting Beyond a Construction Site community garden project and in the following days taking part as a co-mentor at the Santefaction, a 5-days workshop on participative design and hands-on construction for and in public space.

Pozor, mestna drevesa!

Petek, 5. 6. 2015, ob 18.00 in 19.30
Vodeni sprehod in otvoritev drevesne hišice

Začetek sprehoda ob 18.00; zbirno mesto: Vidovdanska 7, pri drevesih Dijaškega doma Tabor, Ljubljana
Otvoritev drevesne hišice in piknik ob 19.30 na Onkraj gradbišča, vhod nasproti Resljeve 32, Ljubljana

Med drevesi nas bo vodila krajinska arhitektka in urbanistka Maja Simoneti.

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