Stefan Doepner – noiseBot 0.11

Author: Stefan Doepner
Coauthor: Lars Vaupel

With this work Stefan Doepner continues his research about different possibilities of dynamic sound performing (e.g. his rotating instruments). noiseBot 0.11 which Doepner created in collaboration with artist and degreed engineer Lars Vaupel is autonomous robot sound platform. In contrast to prevalent sound systems, which by “shooting” sound patronize listeners and imprison sound, noiseBot 0.11 does not “throw” sound from a single, static point, but is a creative tool for dealing with sound in space in diverse ways. With moving in the space and its own programmed behavior autonomous robot sound platform is a sound actor, which creates dynamic sound space.

Short clip of noiseBot 0.11 in development!


Financed by: Ministry of Culture of Slovenia
Supported by: f18 institut and Cirkulacija 2